Lately, all of the movements and progressions have felt really good. My body image however, well that is an entirely different story. For some reason, I feel far bigger than I have been. All of my clothes still fit fine. …
Strength Cycle: Week 3
SC.W3.D1.1114 BS 10 @ 50% / 238 8 @ 55% / 265 8 @ 60% / 287 8 @ 70% / 335 8 @ 75% / 357 8 @ 80% / 381 Push Press 5 @ 40% / 90 (Did…
Train Wreck
Some days remind me that my youth is well behind me. Today was a great example of that. Yesterday was non-stop and when I am moving constantly, I usually feel pretty good. Getting up early to work out always means…
Strength Cycle: Week 2
SC.W2.D1.1107 BS 10 @ 50% / 238# 10 @ 55% / 262# 10 @ 60% / 286# 10 @ 70% / 333# 10 @ 75% / 357# Push Press 5 @ 40% 95# 5 @ 50% 115# 3 @ 60%…
Cardio is hardio
This week I have been trying to add a little more cardio into the mix. It has been painfully obvious that I have lost so much conditioning. To be fair, I sucked at it when I was doing it on…
Strength Cycle: Week 1
SC.W1D1.1031 BS 10 @ 50% / 238 10 @ 55% / 262 10 @ 60% / 286 10 @ 70% / 333 PP 5 @ 40% / 90 5 @ 50% / 115 3 @ 60% / 135 5 @…
Favorite Pre-Workout Meal
My favorite Sunday ritual is to get up and have my usual coffee. Before I workout, I like to enjoy breakfast and let it digest before I lift, so I don’t walk into the gym and try and lift while…
EMOM -> Clean PR
Still programless until this coming week, but wanting to move. I met up with another lifter at the gym this morning and did some of what was on his program. Clean EMOM x15: 5×1 @ 70% (215) 5×1 @ 75%…
First day back in the gym after the meet this past Saturday. I am not starting my new programming until next week, so I just worked on some things that I wanted to work on. Split jerk with pause in…
Post Meet Macro Carnage
Two things I have not done in a very, very long time: 1) Turn off my alarm and sleep in until I wake up and 2) Eat whatever I want for the entire day without worrying about the macros. Sunday…