When I first started CrossFit, I hated pull-ups. I would imagine most big guys do. After all, the bigger you are, the harder it has to be to pull yourself up like that. I remember using the bands for what…
Breaking down the snatch
Two big problems I have with the snatch: I drop my chest I look down as I catch These two things are bad, especially together. I recently took some video of a snatch complex (Pull + Sn + OHS) and…
“So what are your goals for this meet?”
My coach asked my what my goals were for this coming meet and I really had no answer. I felt bad in a way because normally training and meets all have a purpose and goal for me. Up until recently,…
KY Open: Week 4 of 5
Worked up to 85% on snatch and my opener (about 93%) on my CJ on Sunday W4.D1.10.10 Muscle Snatch: 5×3 (65, 85, 95, 115, 115) HHSN: 5×3 (85, 85, 95, 115, 115) CJ: 3@45% (137), 3@55% (167), 2@65% (198), 3@75%…
KY Open Start List
Out of all of the meets I have done at this location, this is by far the latest I have ever lifted. Hopefully I can stay awake long enough to make it happen.
Unplanned Rest Days
Both of my daughters have been sick, each with something different. I am thankful for a job that allows me to work from home so that I can still take care of them but not miss work. That being said,…
501# DL
A throwback to April 19, 2017 when I pulled 501# for a PR. Thank you change plates. After my back injury, this was a pretty big lift for me.
New Singlet
New singlet arrived today. The Nike singlet I had lasted only 7 times before some of the seams started to rip. Pretty disappointing to spend $130 on something and only get to use it that many times. Hoping that this…
High Hang Sn Work
Instead of doing the snatch and getting frustrated with the results, I worked off the suggestions from another coach who had watched me on Sunday. I am not engaging my lats and my positioning is off to where I am…
KY Open: Week 3 of 5
W3.D1.10.3 Front Squat W/U: Paused FS up to 275 Snatch 3@45% (95) 3@55% (115) 2@65% (148) 3@75% (156) 2@80% (167) 1@85% (177) CJ 3@45% (137) 3@55% (167) 2@65% (198) 3@75% (228) 2@80% (244) 1@85% (266) Snatch pull: 3×3@105% (220) Accessory/Superset…