PR attempt on a complex.
- FS 5×2 @ 80%
- Snatch
- 3@45% (95)
- 3@55% (115)
- 2@65% (135)
- 3@75% (156)
- 2@80% (167)
- 1@85% (177)
- CJ
- 3@45% (137)
- 3@55% (167)
- 2@65% (198)
- 3@75% (228)
- 2@80% (244)
- 1@85% (260)
- Sn Pulls 3x3x215
- Accessory (Superset x 4): 8 upside down KB press, 15 GHDs
- Jerk Paused in Catch 1RM, then -20% x 3 (2×196, 2×232, 251, 275, 287, 296x; Dropsets at 236)
- BS Paused 2 Sec in Bottom 3RM, -10% x 3 (185, 245, 295, 335, 385×1; Dropsets at 308)
- HSB 5×2 @ 80% (167)
- Accessory (Superset x 4): 15 Reverse Hypers, 12 pull-ups, 10 Single leg RDLs
- FS Warm-up: 3×3@50% (200)
- Sn Pull + Sn + OHS
- 3@45% (95)
- 2@55% (115)
- 1@65% (136)
- 1@75% (156)
- 1@80% (167)
- 2×1@85% (177)
- Clean Pull + Clean + FS
- 3@45% (137)
- 2@55% (167)
- 1@65% (198)
- 1@75% (228)
- 1@80% (244)
- 2×1@85% (260)
- Accessory (Superset x 3): Band pull-aparts, 20 DB curls
- Muscle Sn 5 x 3 @ 40% (85)
- BS 5RM (155, 245, 295, 315, 335, 361, 377)
- PP 3RM (135, 157, 207, 225, 245x, 236x)
- Accessory (Superset x 3): Sn RDL 5x3x215, 1-5-5 KB Tempo Row (70)
- Sn Pull + Sn
- 2@40% (85)
- 2@50% (105)
- 2@60% (125)
- Snatch
- 2@70% (146)
- 2@75% (156)
- 1@80% (167)
- Work up with no misses: 187, 195x
- Clean + 2 Jerks
- 2@40% (125)
- 2@50% (135)
- 2@60% (155)
- 2@70% (215)
- 2@75% (230)
- 1@80% (250)
- Work up with no misses: 265, 280PR, 290x (Missed 2nd jerk)
- Accessory: 5 x 1:00 plank
Sunday was the best day I have had in a while. I feel like I have been in a rut for a few weeks now and questioned whether or not I should even do the KY Open coming up. I feel forever behind on snatch progress and up until today, I have felt too beat up to really push the CJ. Days like Sunday are much needed.