Classic Position Cycle 2018, Training

Classic Position Cycle 2018: Week 7 of 12

This week was one of the hardest for me mentally and physically.  Despite seeing all of the log entries below indicating a full week, the reality is that I only trained 3 out of the 5 days, the other 2 days I was either mentally or physically tapped out.


  • W/U x3 (2 Snp pulls + 2 SnPP + 2 OHS)
  • PS + OHS w/pause in the bottom: 115, 135, 155, 165
  • PP + BTNJ + J: 155, 185, 210, 245, 267, 275
  • Jerk dip squat: 4x3x346

I have grown to really dislike the power snatch + OHS complex.  I have hit 185 on this without too much issue but for some reason that has eluded me lately.  When I got to the OH complex, I had in my mind that I wanted to hit 275 no matter what, but 267 felt shaky, leaving a lot of doubt in my mind.  275 was a lot harder than it should have been.  In the past, I was able to re-rack the weight without using the blocks, but this time I dropped each one.


The day before, I took the girls to the park since they are off for Spring Break.  My plan was to spend as much time with them as possible and since the weather was so awesome, I wanted to make sure we were not in the house much.  We were 100MPH the entire day and it was painfully obvious to me that I was having trouble keeping up.  Nearly falling on an obstacle at the park, I landed on my leg at an awkward angle that also made my knees feel like someone had hit them with a baseball bat.  By the time we finally got home for the night, I was completely exhausted.  The alarm went off on Wednesday morning at 3:45a to get up and go workout, I turned it off.  I had zero motivation to get up.  I had zero motivation to lift.  I just wanted to sleep.


  • W/U x3 (2 PP + 2 BTNJ + 2 Press from the split)
  • Complex: PC + FS + CJ: 155, 205, 225, 245, 265, 285 PR
  • Hang snatch high pull (knee): 4x4x186
  • FS: 4×2 @ 83% / 359

To say that I was happy to hit a PR on the complex would be an understatement.  I was elated.  Having struggled so much recently during the week, it felt good to move this lift up a notch.


I skipped today for two reasons.  Lately, my heavy singles on Sunday have felt a lot better having rested on Saturday.  The reduced volume has proven key for me.  Also, with the girls activities canceled due to weather (Snow in April!) I didn’t even bother with an alarm.  Instead, I woke up at 8:00a, something that happens so rarely for me.  Given how busy we have been with the girls on Spring Break and trying to stay active, the extra sleep was a much welcomed break.


Rather than type everything out, the above photo is my day.  What you don’t see on the board, other than a great example of my degree of OCD, is the struggle and failures.  Sure, there are check marks, even beyond the red line (indicating where my opener would be), but when I got to 195 on the snatch, I failed.  Frustrated, I dropped back down to 80% and started back over, refocusing on the lifts and remaining aggressive with my movements.  I was able to work back up and hit a wobbly 92/202 snatch.  That usually gives me fuel to really push the CJ. I had written the same jumps as last week, but as I worked up and realized how rough I was feeling, I looked at the 230 total as my goal, then adjusted the opening CJ to be what I needed to get the total.  It took 3 attempts to get the weight, something I have not missed in a while.  One one hand, I am upset that it took such a battle to get the numbers I needed.  On another, I was able to hit 93% feeling really bad (My left knee was screaming the entire time) and still dug deep to do what I needed to do.  I also was able to lower my CJ opener down a bit because of what I hit on my snatch, which was a positive.  Normally I have to ramp up the CJ to make up for what I cannot snatch.  Always a learning process.

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