Over the past 2 cycles (6 week classic cycle, 6-week block/pull cycle) I have slowly but surely tacked on some numbers to my all time PRs. More importantly, I have been more and more consistent at weights closer to my max, even my new max. That is probably more encouraging to me than a new 1RM.
My next meet will be on May 12th, which puts me 13 weeks out this week. I plan on using a 12-week program to lead me up to meet day, which gives me a week to kinda play around and take it easy.
My goals for the next meet will not be anything different than what I have wanted since getting into this: qualify for Masters Nationals. That 230kg total has been so elusive to me on the platform and even in training before my previous meets. What training has done recently is not only move the needle up on the 1RM, but also inch me closer and closer to hitting higher percentage lifts on a more regular basis. When I tested my 1RM at the end of the previous cycle, I ended up working to 95% of each lift (93/140/233). That alone put me 3kg over the total I would need to qualify, something that gives me a great deal of hope and confidence.
The biggest improvement has been on the snatch. A 2lb increase is not really something to brag about, especially with the baby weight I am moving around, however, I am consistently working closer to the numbers that I need. For example, I worked up to a heavy double (87%) just this morning then a heavy single after that (97%). If I can hit those weights after maxing out on Sunday, then I feel more confident about my capabilities on the platform. I have to open bigger on the snatch, which will take some pressure off of my clean and jerk. Just knowing that 95% of my 1RM will qualify me takes a lot of weight off my shoulders. And that is before a 12 week cycle that is focused on positioning, something I really need.
I pulled up the rankings for Masters 105+ from Jan. 2017 – Feb. 2018, and right now I am ranked 10th in the state. Not too bad. It bugs me a little because the 85/136 I know are numbers I have greatly improved upon.
When I filter down to my exact age & weight class, the results look a lot better, although there is not much competition as it appears there is only one other M40 105+ in the state. In fact, I believe that the other lifter in my division has only competed in a single meet without doing anything since.
The good news for me is that I feel confident being able to open the snatch at 91-93 right now, which would give me an 8kg improvement there. I hit 140 on the CJ last Sunday and my best there is 147, so I could expect to see anywhere from a 4kg to an 11kg increase there. Potentially, I have a 12kg to 20kg increase for my numbers, which would be pretty big. Not enough to push me ahead of some of those monsters in the state, but certainly enough to keep me on top in my actual division.
To crack the top 5 out of all the 105+ lifters, I would need a pretty dramatic increase. The goal has always been to qualify for Masters Nationals, even if I don’t go, but to qualify. I have used that as a benchmark for so long now. Until something dramatic happens, like magically being able to add 50kg to my total, chasing Nationals will my goal.
Thankfully those numbers are still in place another year. I feel like the 230 total is something finally within my reach, after chasing it for 2 years. I have had at least 3 training sessions here within the last 6 week block where I have hit 230 or more, so that is a great indicator that everything is moving in the right direction.
In addition to my goal of hitting at least 95% of these new 1RM of mine, I want to make sure I am not getting too serious about the training to where it doesn’t become fun. I have been guilty of that in past. I have become so engulfed in the training and the pending meet that I end up putting too much pressure on myself, making it even more difficult. This stuff is hard enough on its own, without me adding to the fire and fanning the flames. But above all else, I have to focus on recovery and staying healthy. Being smart with the programming will be key for me because I really believe that is what has allowed me to make the progress that I have recently.