Thursdays are normally rest days but for some reason I wanted to come in and move some. I thought I would work up to a heavy deadlift and I would be lying if I said I haven’t had 550 in my head ever since I hit 525 on November 25th during my “Strength Cycle“. Oddly enough, some of the lighter sets felt a little rough, but I kept going and they all felt better and better. I made the following jumps:
3 @ 50% / 265
2 @ 60% / 315
2 @ 70% / 370
1 @ 80% / 420
1 @ 85% / 450
1 @ 90% / 475
1 @ 95% / 500
1 @ 98% / 515
PR +15 / 535
PR +25 / 550
PR +60 / 585x
PR + 40 / 565x
Everything after 95% was playing it by ear. Clearly the jump from 550 to 585 was stupid. I really don’t know what I was thinking. Pulling 585 felt like I was trying to lift up a corner of the gym. It just felt impossible to move. I didn’t even budge it off the floor. After that I dropped down to 565 but it was still too much for me. In hindsight, I should have gone from 550 to 560, maybe 565. I feel like I possibly had one more lift in me.
Still, I can’t be all that upset about an unplanned 25lb PR. 550 is a pretty good number for me and one that I am happy with. At least for now.