Classic Cycle 2017, Training

Classic Cycle: Week 3


  • Sn: 3×1 @ 78% / 163
  • CJ: 3×2 @ 73% / 225
  • Sn Pull: 3×3 @ 97% / 205
  • Sn DL: 3×3 @ 105% / 220
  • FS + 3 BJ: 5×3 @ 81% / 337

Nothing crazy today, just a lot of work.  Felt pretty accomplished to get through this at a decent pace.  When I started the front squats and box jumps, I seriously considered dropping one of the sets, but got going and was able to get them all done so I felt a lot better.


  • Jerk HS: 2×135, 2×185, 2×225, 247, 275, 295, 306, 315x, 315
  • Jerk Dropsets: 2×2 @ 80% of HS / 255
  • Power Snatch: 4×1 @ 82% / 160
  • Accessory: GHD 3×20 & 3×10 DB side bends / 70#

No PRs today, but I kinda expected that.  I started by writing all of my attempts on the board for the split jerk, with the final attempt being a 1lb PR from last week.  When I got to 315, I think it got in my head a little and I missed it.  I know that “heavy single” doesn’t mean “max out” but I knew that my miss wasn’t because I was incapable of hitting the lift.  Before I started to strip the weight, I figured I would get my mind right and take another shot.  This time I got it.  Still not a PR, but 96% of my most recent PR is a big win for me.  Since I cannot do math, I got to the power snatches and the first single felt a little heavy, only to realize I had loaded up 11 more pounds than I should have.  Dropping down felt great!


  • Snatch from the blocks just above the knee: 4×2 @ 75% / 155
  • Cl Pull: 3×3 @ 97% / 304
  • Cl DL: 3×3 @ 105% / 329
  • BS + 3 BJ: 5×2 @ 81% / 386

Instead of the power snatch + snatch complex on the schedule, we altered it to get block work in to helpfully fix my second pull.  The lifts actually felt pretty good.  They felt better than they looked, anyway. On another note, the box jumps felt “lower” than normal.  Not as difficult, even after heavy back squats.  I flipped the box up on the tall side and did 3 reps at 30″.  Wasn’t too crazy difficult, which was a good thing.


This is normally a day that I love, and was looking forward to a day with only 2 movements in it.  But I was helping coach some of our lifters through a local meet.  The meet had 4 sessions and we had a lifter in each, so it was a long day.  I didn’t want to try and get up at 4am, cram a workout in, and rush breakfast and getting to the venue, so I opted to skip today.


  • Snatch: Heavy single – 2×85, 2×105, 2×135, 155, 170, 180, 190x, 190 (90%)
  • CJ: Heavy single – 2×155, 2×185, 225, 250, 275 (90%), 295 (96%), 302 (98%), 308 PR, 315 PR (Missed jerk)
  • FS: Heavy single – 2×245, 275, 335, 375 (90%), 400 (96%), 410 (98%), 420 PR

Despite reverting back to some bad habits in the snatch, I missed one at 90% and then came back to hit it.  So I can’t be too terribly upset especially given the slow progress on that movement.  Everything else was freaking money. I liked the jumps on the CJ and kinda tweaked them once I got into my red sets.  For the FS, the single at 400 felt pretty heavy and I really did not expect to get beyond that, but a 5lb PR was just amazing. I seriously would be shocked to see it progress much further.

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