After some thought about what to do next, I made the decision to drop the strength cycle all together and to get back to weightlifting. I am going to follow a program from Catalyst Athletics for the next 6 weeks and see what happens from there. I hated having to give up my current squat cycle, though. I looked through this spreadsheet and see I have some heavy singles and squatting ahead, so it wasn’t all bad. The volume is more than I have been doing over the previous 4 weeks, but it also isn’t so much that it is going to break me. Still trying to find that sweet spot.
- Muscle Sn: 1×3 w/bar; 3×3 @ 95#
- Sn: Work up to 3×1 @ 75% / 157
- CJ: 3×2 @ 70% / 215
- Sn Pull: 3×3 @ 90% / 188
- Sn DL: 3×3 @ 100% / 209
- FS: 5×3 @ 75% / 297 (Immediately following each set, 3 box jumps @ 24″)
- Accessory: 10 minute paced AB (103 calories) & 4×15 DB curls (30#)
Into the CJ, even at the light weights, it became painfully obvious that I have spent the past 4 weeks just standing around. It felt good to be moving at a better pace but it winded me much more than I had anticipated. None of the weights felt heavy. Well, the snatches didn’t feel light and my shoulders were super tight because I did a really poor warm-up. My back was still tight in the middle of the CJs, but other than that, the day was pretty good. My knees and quads were a little lit up later on in the day but that is expected given the added volume.
- Power Sn: 4×1 @ 80% / 156
- PC + PJ: 4×2 @ 80% / 220 (Sets at 135, 185, then 4x2x220)
- OHS: 1 @ 80% / 196; 2×2 @ 70% / 172 (Sets at 135, 157x, 157, 185, 196, 2x2x172)
- Accessory: 10 minute paced AB (113 calories) & 3×20 GHD
Today was pretty good. I moved through it all at a good clip, resting no more than 2 minutes between sets when I was more winded. I missed a warm-up lift on the OHS, dropping the bar forward. I spent some extra time stretching and working on my shoulders, which felt hella tight. I think my poor mobility overhead hurts me considerably with the snatch. Not being able to get my shoulders back leaves the bar out forward when I drop to a squat. Depth is fine, but the overhead needs work.
Warmed up and did some light bench sets.
5 rounds NFT:
5 bench press @ 185
1:00 plank
In 15 minutes, increasing calories per round of row & AB. I started with 10 calories on the row and 10 on the AB, then added 2 calories per round. I made it through the round of 18 calories in 15 minutes.
Decent little shake out day. Nothing too strenuous but got up and got moving, which always makes me feel better.
- Sn: 4×1 @ 70% / 146
- CJ: 3×2 @ 75% / 230
- Cl Pull: 3×3 @ 90% / 275
- Cl DL: 3×3 @ 100% / 306
- BS: 5×3 @ 75% / 357 (Immediately following each set, 3 box jumps @ 24″)
- Accessory: 10 minute paced AB (104 calories)
When I got started on the snatch warm-up, I turned the clock on. As I was sitting on the AB, I saw the clock roll to 99 minutes and stop. I don’t know if that is a good thing or a bad thing. Once I got moving on the singles at 70% on the snatch, I really tried to hit those every minute. From there, I tried to limit my rest to 2 minutes in between each set. I felt like I kept a pretty good pace throughout the entire workout. I really felt this when I got home. After I got out of the shower, I collapsed into the recliner in the living room and took a 30 minute power nap. I was just exhausted from it. It is a good feeling, one of accomplishment, but I was definitely worn out trying to hold a pace that I have not held in the previous 4 weeks.
- Split Jerk: Heavy single – 2×135, 2×157, 2×185, 225, 247, 275, 286, 295, 306 (97%!)
- Split jerk drops: 3×1 @ 80% of the HS @ 245
- 2-position Sn (Floor/Mid-Thigh): 3×2 @ 65% / 136
- 2-position Cl (Floor/Mid-Thigh): 3×2 @ 65% / 200
- Push Press: 4×5 @ 75% / 195
Pretty surprised at the split jerk. Hitting 306 wasn’t super easy, but it wasn’t super hard either. To work up to these numbers so consistently is a huge confidence booster for me. But what totally shocked me was how good the the snatches felt. Sure, they were only 65%, but normally anything from the hang gives me trouble. The lifts from mid-thigh felt better than the ones from the floor. My back felt great and I was closer to being in a great position than I think I ever have. The cleans even felt similar. I had limited time this morning because I wanted to sleep a little bit, but I also needed to get up, work out, and get to the other gym to coach. Because of the limited time, I really had to push every set to make sure I wasn’t just sitting around resting.
- Snatch: 85, 105, 115, 135, 155, 175 (84%), 185x (89%), 175 (84%), 185 (89%), 195x (93%)
- CJ: 2×155, 2×185, 225, 250 (82%), 275 (90%), 295 (97%), 306 (1lb PR), 313x (7lb Clean PR)
- FS: 245, 295, 335 (85%), 375 (95%), 400 (PR), 415x, 410 (15lb PR)
- Accessory: 10 minute paced AB (114 calories) & 3×25 DB curls / 25#
I couldn’t really have asked for a better day. And I certainly did not feel great waking up. Still down with a cold, congestion, and horrible cough that keeps me awake. I have worked up to a max snatch & CJ in the same day, but never tacked on the FS at the end. Since I was already warm, I felt comfortable making some much bigger jumps. I still struggle with finding the right positions on the snatch. That second pull still feels heavier than I want it to. I really, really, don’t like looking at videos of the snatch. I feel so out of place, but I know I am going to have to work even harder on them. The 185 power snatch felt so easy. If I could just get into some better positions, the strength is there. I think the rest would fall into place. That being said, and as awful as they are, to hit around 90% when I haven’t tested a heavy snatch in over 4 weeks is a win for me.