
First Week of Running. Again.

The past two weeks have been really good for me, mentally and physically.  I still have a big hill to climb, but I finally feel like I am at a point where I can push forward.

On day two, I had planned to go out and run without my phone, just my watch and shoes.  The rain threw a monkey wrench into those plans so I ended up at church on the treadmill.  After I warmed up, I started a new workout on the watch and I thought it was the intervals for week one.  After a minute, I was still running.  I stopped everything and tried to start a new, different activity only with the same result.  I would love to be able to just go out and run without getting all tied up in having the programs and numbers be so exact.  I just kept going and used the clock on the treadmill.  I had no idea if the pace I was keeping was the same as the first day and it didn’t really matter all that much.  I just wanted to move.

On day three, the weather was fantastic and I went back out to my favorite spot: The Parklands.  I warmed up with a 15 minute walk, hit the workout, then had about 20 minutes of walking back to my car which was perfect for me.  Despite the additional weight I am carrying right now, the intervals are at the pace I would want them at.  That will slow a touch as the length of the running increases, but hopefully the weight will decrease.  I already feel better in my clothes after the previous two weeks of adjustments.  I am guessing there is some weight loss there but I am staying off the scale for now and just going by how I feel.

A really dumb old man posing for a selfie and being dumb and old

When I was looking back through this blog, I got a good laugh from the dumb selfies.  Riding that runners high, I never really know how to take a cool selfie.  It is especially complicated when you are naturally uncool to begin with.  Still, I did like going back and reading my own posts and seeing photos as it reminded me of how good I was feeling when I was running.  Actually, just moving.

I have shifted the lifting at the gym to be more of a body-building type focus.  I am borrowing elements from Jeff Nippard and have a 3-day per week split setup.  I thought I would have a difficult time with a program that did not involve squatting and deadlifting, but so far I have had a great time with what I am doing.  There isn’t any pressure anywhere, which is nice for a change.

One week down, 17 to go.

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