Nutrition, Ramblings

Who is that guy?

“I looked over and wondered who that skinny guy was on the other side of the gym and it was you.”

That was something I heard this morning at the gym from another coach.  My first reaction is always doubt.  Either that or I am getting some roundabout way to compliment me.  Never do I assume what they are saying is actually what they mean when a compliment about weight loss or leaning out is what I hear. The odd thing is that leaning out is exactly what I have been focused on lately.

I set my phone up on a timer and took this yesterday before I went for a walk.  Side note, walking for an hour when it is 90+ outside is dumb.  There are times when I want to take these kinds of photos so that I can document what is happening with me and any progress that I might be making.  The weight on the scale is sitting around the same for the last few weeks now, but I do feel better in some of my clothes.  Not every day is like that, but there are enough days that I feel a difference to actually make note of it.

I have also come to the realization that I no longer want to do weightlifting or even powerlifting.  I do not look forward to back squats.  I do not want to do deadlifts.  I shifted my training program from a 60/40 split (powerlifting/bodybuilding) to a 50/50 split and next week I will shift it even more in favor of more bodybuilding.  Part of me wants to bite the bullet and go 100% into bodybuilding-style training even if I have zero desire to stand on stage in a banana hammock.  Right now, I feel like my body will respond better to that and more importantly, recover from training.  There is just no point in me trying to max out any of my lifts and I do not ever expect to stand on the platform to compete ever again.  Having a nice balance in my training has truly been a blessing for me and I feel so much better because of that.

I have not been writing anything here for a little bit, only because life has been hectic.  I prepared for Camp Freedom at church and did not expect that event to wear me down as much as it did physically.  I should have taken an extra day off of work but really did not know any better.  I have been battling sinus issues which rolled into my yearly annoying hacking cough.  I have been paying too much attention to the media lately perhaps because I have been paranoid about feeling under the weather.  Nowadays you can’t seem to have a cold, the flu, or anything of the sort.  The only thing you can get is COVID.  My wife has reassured me that every year at almost this exact time I get a bad cough.  Last night I finally got a great night of sleep and this morning feel better than I have in all week.  I am going to keep playing it smart and make sure I recover 100% by not taking any chances.

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