Week three and I feel like I am starting to get settled into this program, especially when it comes to modifying the workout. I was still hella sore and surprised at what increasing the intensity for just 45 minutes can do.
- E:90 x8
- Close grip bench x6
- KB gorilla row x8 e/a
- E:75 x9
- KB offset pushup x6 e/a
- KB farmer carry + front rack carry 20m
- BB reverse curl x10
This day felt vastly different compared to day one of the first week. I was finished and felt as if I did not work out enough. I need to realize that is the point of this, greater focus and more time efficient.
- E2:00×6: Pause BS x5
- Lying hamstring curls 4×8
- 2 sets:
- DB suitcase forward lunge x6 e/l
- Dual DB hollow hold :30
- Seated calf raises 3×12
Squats felt wonky. I struggled more with these than I would have liked. In my mind, I should be capable of using heavier weights than I am using at the moment. However, I always have no way to gauge pause back squats as I rarely did them. Lunges, something I have always skipped, are kicking my butt.
- EMOM x8: Incline DB bench x5
- EMOM x8: Bi-lateral row x5
- 2 sets:
- DB elbow row x8
- Seated Arnold press: x10
- Hanging knee raises: 4×12
- E:90 x8
- DB rear foot elevated split squat x6 e/l
- SN grip DL x6
- Hack squat: 4×8