Broken, But Running

Broken, But Running. Vlog #10

Wrapped up week 10 with only 4 more left in this training cycle before I make the people at the park nervous by running a 10K. Some post training thoughts from this week about pace and why people who aren’t…

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Broken, But Running

Broken, But Running. Vlog #9

Do GU gels expire? More importantly, how do they taste when you accidentally have one? Can they help when you don’t plan your intervals correctly?

Broken, But Running

Broken, But Running. Vlog #8

Week 8 brought about a change of schedule and I was forced to not only turn on a treadmill but to try and run on it without breaking it. Having run on a treadmill three times, I am not an…

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Broken, But Running

Broken, But Running. Vlog #7

Seven weeks of running logged in the shoes from ‪@altrarunning‬. Are they as terrible as the New Balance or would I actually recommend these? Will I overcome the audio issues and not throw my camera gear through the kitchen window?…

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