- Snatch:
- 2×50
- 2×60
- 2×65
- 2×70
- 2x1x75
- 1×80 (O)
- Snatch pull (Controlled eccentric): 3x3x95
- Snatch DL: 3×3@103
- Paused FS (:03 pause in the bottom): 1×3 @ 60%, 3×2@65%
- Accessory:
- Plank: 4×1:00
- DB curl + press: 4×15 @ 35#
- Jerk to HS, then 80% 3×1 of HS:
- 3×75
- 2×90
- 2×105
- 1×120
- 1×128
- 135x
- Jerk 3×1 @ 80% of HS:3×1 @ 110
- Jerk: 123, 130, 135, 140x
- Muscle Snatch: 2×60, 2×65, 2×70
- Power Snatch: 3x2x75
I have grown to truly hate power snatches. But the jerks were also off today. I failed at 135 and was bummed out by that. After the 3×1 EMOM I did of the drop sets, I was feeling pretty good, so I worked back up and was able to hit a few reps that I had missed earlier. I think I need to add in a few more reps on the earlier sets to get warmer.
- Clean DL + Muscle Clean + Press (1+2+3) x 3: 40, 45, 50, 55
- CJ (Low blocks):
- 2×75
- 2×89
- 2×104
- 4x1x112
- Clean pull (Controlled eccentric): 3x3x145
- Clean DL: 3x2x157
- Pause BS: 2@150, 4x2x160
I was extremely happy to make it through all of the programming today. I have had some mental blocks lately so today was pretty big for me even though the numbers weren’t all that awesome.
- Superset:
- Incline bench: 4×5 @ 205#
- Banded lat pull-downs: 4×20
- Break a sweat; 5x
- 15 cal AB
- Down & back upside down KB carries (35#)
- 7 Way Hips
- Muscle Snatch + Tall Snatch (1+2) x 3: 65#, 85#, 85#
- Snatch DL + Snatch Pull + Hang Snatch to HS; Snatch 5×1@80% of HS EMOM
- 105#, 135#, 155#, 175#, 185#, 191#x, 191#
- EMOM: 165
- Clean DL + Clean Pull + Hang Clean + Jerk to HS; CJ 5×1@80% of HS E:90
- 175#, 215#, 245#, 276#, 295x (Missed hang clean)
- E:90 @ 225
- Accessory / Superset:
- Strict press: 4x12x115#
- Plank: 4×1:00
It felt good to work up to the numbers that I did on the complexes. I worked higher on the snatch than expected and took bigger jumps with fewer reps than normal. I am usually so confident in the CJ that I can take bigger jumps there, so doing the same thing with the snatch is another small victory.