- Snatch:
- 2@50
- 2@60
- 2@70
- 3×1@75
- Snatch pull (Controlled eccentric): 3×3@90
- Snatch DL: 3×3@100
- FS: 5×3@75% / 149 (3 box jumps immediately following each set)
- Accessory:
- Reverse-hypers: 3×12
- DB curls: 3×15
FS felt like complete crap today. I am most likely going to have to scale these sets back.
- Muscle snatch to HS:
- 2@30
- 2@40
- 2@50
- 55
- 3×1@60
- Power snatch:
- 2@50
- 2@60
- 2@65
- 1×70
- 4×1@75
- Power clean + power jerk: 4×1@80% / 107
- SnPP + OHS (2+1):
- 1@78
- 2×2@65
Another pretty rough day. When I got to 60 on the muscle snatch, my bar path was off. I knew that adding weight would not improve things. While this wasn’t heavy, it wasn’t correct. So I stayed where I was to try and make a few adjustments. Mentally struggled with the power snatches and power cleans. Starting to hate power movements.
- Jerk to HS, then 80% 3×1
- 3×70
- 3×77
- 2×90
- 2×105
- 120
- 128x
- 2-position snatch (Floor/mid-thigh): 3×1@60
- 2-position clean (Floor/mid-thigh): 3×1@60% / 90
- Push press (banded knees): 3×3 @60% / 81
Since my FS feels off, that would make sense as to why my jerk is feeling off, too. Either that or more things are broken than I expected. Nothing would surprise me. I was very disappointed to only make it to 120 on the jerk, failing at 128. That should be easy percentage work for me. I even skipped the 4×1 drop sets.
- Felt like a giant turd, so I slept in and made this a rest day.
- Snatch pull + hang snatch to HS; Snatch 5×1@80% of HS EMOM
- 85#, 105#, 125#, 145#, 165#, 175#, 185#, 195#
- EMOM: 160, 165, 165, 175,175
- Clean pull + hang clean + jerk to HS; CJ 5×1@80% of HS E:90
- 165, 195, 225, 250, 275, 295, 305 (Missed jerk)
- 240 E:90
That wrapped up the first week of a new training block. I was pretty depressed about how I felt most of the week. After talking over the nutrition portion, we have bumped up some of the carbs on rest days for refeeding. Hoping that makes a difference the next week.