Chasing kilos and kilometers until my knees implode.

- High hang snatch pull + muslce sn: (3+3) x 3 barbell only
- SnPP + SB + OHS (1+3+1) x 3 barbell only
- Muscle sn: 4×3; 34, 40, 45, 40
- High hang sn pull + high hang sn: 5×2@50% (50)
- FS: 5×3@75% (150)
- Accessory:
- 15 banded good mornings (black band)
- 12 DB curls
- Power clean + PP up to HS, then 80% of HS 4×1 EMOM: 60, 70, 90, 100, 110, 120x, 120x, 115, 120; EMOM 4×1@100
- Jerk dip squat: 3×2@105% (157), 3×2@110% (165)
- Accessory 4x:
- 1:00 plank
- KB single leg RDL (70#) x8 each leg
- 10 Banded KB press with :15 hold on final rep (53#)
- Muscle clean: 4×3 (50, 60, 70, 70)
- High hang clean: 5×2@50-60% (75, 85, 90, 95, 110)
- Clean pull from deficit (Eccentric): 3×3@90% / 135
- BS: 5×3@ 75% / 173
- Superset:
- Bench:5×10 @ 185
- 5×20 banded lat pull-downs
- Row 1,2,3,4,3,2,1 minutes (Work/rest 1:1)
- Snatch, heavy single: 115#, 135#, 155#, 170#, 180#, 190#
- CJ, heavy single: 155#, 185#, 230#, 260#, 275#, 295#, 300#
- Banded Press (KB/bands set from the floor)