- Bench: 5X10 @ 65% / 165
- Banded face pulls: 5×10 / Green band
- DB Pullovers: 5×10 / 35-35-35-35-50
- Low angle DB incline: 4×8 / 35-50-50-50
- Chest support 2 arm row: 4×10 / 50
- 7 way hips
- GHD: 4×10 with :10 hold at parallel on last rep of each set
First day back after a week off and I was feeling decent physically. Mentally not in the game, but I managed. I am using 250 as my bench PR right now because the last time I maxed that lift out was somewhere back when the book of Exodus was being written, so it has been a while. I want to say 275 was the most I have ever hit and that was somewhere around 2011 when we would bench once a week. I really never cared about benching and I still do not care what my PR is. Right now I would just love to be stronger overall.
S: 3 | N: 5 | F: 3
- BS: 5×8@70% / 355
- DB Arnold Press: 4×10 / 25-30-35-35
- BB RDL: 4×8 / 155-205-205-205
- DB Lateral: 5×10 / 15-15-15-20-15
- EZ Bar Skulls: 5×15 / Green band pull downs
- BB 21s: 3×21 / 45-56-56
I felt really good most of yesterday. I had that adrenaline from being back at the gym going and wasn’t too sore. I was shocked at how little time the workout took compared to what I am used to. As the day went on I could feel the soreness creeping in. By the time I went to bed it was rough, clearly I am not moving enough during the day.
The BS didn’t seem too terrible on paper but I knew they would be hard. Normally I have squats after everything else and I am warm. These were too much for me this morning. I could feel myself tipping forward a bit and had some pain and discomfort in my left knee, so I didn’t do the last set of 8. My squat isn’t necessarily what is holding me back and I have a lot of leg strength, so I felt like if I could skip something it would be a set of squats. Everything else was just OK. Nothing ground breaking, other than realizing my shoulders are horribly weak.
S: 3 | N: 5 | F: 2
- BB bent over row: 4×10 / 135-157-157-157
- Banded face pulls: 4×10 / green band
- Low angle BB incline: 5×8 @60% / 150
- Pull-ups: 5×5
- 1 arm DB row: 3×10 / 50
- BB shrugs: 3×10 / 135-157-185
- GHD: 3×15
Yesterday I was hurting so bad that it hurt to roll my quads out. It was like first week CrossFit sore. I can’t believe how much my entire body aches from all of this. Today was good because it wasn’t overwhelming and I could easily manage everything without taxing myself too bad. I want to make sure I am getting some core work in so I added the GHDs to the last superset.
S: 3 | N: 4 | F: 3
- FS: 4×8 @ 60% of BS 1RM / 300
- Press: 4×8 @ 106
- Superset x2:
- 10 DB front raises
- 10 DB side laterals
- 10 DB curl to press
- BB curls: 3×10 / 45, 67, 67
- Close grip push-ups: 3×10
Having rolled out as much as possible, my legs are finally feeling a tad bit better. That being said, I think 5 sets of squats is going to be too much so I will most likely be pulling these back a notch. The last set of 8 was pretty nasty.
S: 3 | N: 4 | F: 3
- Complex: Clean pull + clean + 2 jerks: Starting at 60% of your max. 195, 230, 255, 275, 295x, 285
This was programmed for class and it was something that I have never done exactly. I don’t like teaching class something that I have not done myself. I just think it is better if I know how it feels and to give them some general guidelines that I followed, which is always better having done it first. Starting at 60% was a little heavier than I normally would start, but not too bad. My main fear was not doing any real lifting for over 2 weeks and how this would feel. I was pretty surprised when they all felt pretty decent. The clean on 295 was high enough but I wasn’t fast enough with getting my elbows under. I had started to put my stuff up when I thought about taking another shot at a little lower weight. Dropped down 10lbs and got 285 without too much difficulty.
S: 4 | N: 5 | F: 3