Block Cycle 2018, Training

Block Cycle 2018: Week 5 of 6

I had one crap week and one decent one and then this week happened.  I am not sure if I am just in dire need of a deload or break, but mentally this week has been a real struggle.  I have also had trouble recovering physically from the previous day of training.  After my rest day on Thursday, I knew Friday would be a challenge, and without getting my normal sleep, I didn’t even bother going in.  My mindset about Saturday was that since it was basically an “active rest” day that I might be better served by sleeping in, giving me 3 days of rest before working on heavy singles again on a Sunday.  Whether that was the smart play or not, that was what I did.  I have zero regrets about sleeping in on Friday and Saturday.  It has made me question my workout schedule and if time permits once the girls go back to school, I am seriously considering switching it up and going later in the morning.


  • Snatch: 2@70% / 160, 2@75% / 170, 2@80% / 180, 1@85% / 191, 1@90% / 203 (205), 1@85% / 191
  • CJ: 1@70% / 235, 1@75% / 251, 1@80% / 269, 1@85% / 286, 1@90% / 302, 1@85% / 285
  • Clean Pull: 2x3x302, 2×318, 2×337
  • FS: 2x3x349, 2x1x371

Looking at this, I knew it would be tough, especially since I had heavy singles on Sunday.  With the exception of a bit of a press out on the heaviest CJ, I was really happy to have hit everything.  That alone was a big accomplishment.  I thought about skipping some of the pulls and squats, but worked them in.

I forgot how much it sucks to train in humidity that feels like an armpit.  Lately, walking in the door of the gym at 4:10am, it is already 85 degrees.  Opening the doors and cutting a fan on doesn’t bring the temp down enough to make it comfortable.  I have brought an extra towel and even started carrying a frozen shaker bottle with ice cold water to help lower my body temp some.  I sweat so much I keep a larger towel to cover my car seat with.  My hands are so sweaty that chalk doesn’t really help.  Sets of 3 get dicey.  I did what I could but somehow started to tear my hand, something I don’t think I have done with just weightlifting before.

S: 3 | N: 3 | F: 3


  • Muscle snatch to heavy single (Blocks, below the knee): 75, 95, 115, 135, 145
  • Power Sn @ 80% / 165: EMOM x8
  • PC+PJ (1+1): 2×235 E:90 x3, 2×225 E:90 x5

The new puppy is still not letting us sleep as much as I would like.  I came into the gym in a fog, mentally and physically not wanting to be there.  Even though it was the 4th of July and the gym was running a different schedule, I opted to go in early like normal so I could get in and get out with minimal people contact.

S: 3 | N: 3 | F: 3


  • Snatch: 2×105, 2×125, 2×145, 2×155, 165, 180, 190, 200, 210x
  • CJ: 155, 185, 225, 250, 275, 295, 306, 315x, 315, 322

The extra days of rest really helped a lot. Still don’t feel completely caught up, but more than I did earlier in the week.  I got up, had a great breakfast, enjoyed some coffee, and then went in to get warmed up.  On the schedule was singles at 70%, 75%, and 80% and then a heavy single.  Since I am not signed up for a meet and don’t really have anything on the line right now, I just thought I would work up like I normally do, adhering as close to the percentages as I could.

The snatches felt pretty good.  The last make at 200 was really good for me.  I pulled 210 more than high enough but reverted back to old habits.  I am not too upset about it, especially given how crappy I have felt lately.  The CJs really surprised me.  In my mind, I wanted to hit the 236kg total I have been using as a benchmark (Masters Nationals qualifier), so I needed to hit a 306 CJ based on the 200 snatch.  The 306 felt pretty good so I went to 315.  Having 3 45s on each side is just a benchmark for me I guess.  I missed the first clean but it wasn’t strength at all.  I just didn’t get my elbows up and under fast enough.  I refocused and nailed it and it felt easy.  My coach suggested I skip the front squats and focus on a heavier CJ, so I jumped to 322.  I was a bit shaky and jumped back on the clean.  I had a pretty close jerk.  I thought there was a little bit of a press out.  Looking at the video we think it would have been one of those lifts where you get one red light.  That was 98% of my 1RM and the heaviest I have hit since my last PR on this lift.  Felt really good.

Looking at the heavier snatches and CJs, the plan is work some back strength moving forward, including rows and some pulls from a deficit.

S: 4 | N: 3 | F: 4

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