I was right about scaling down some of this volume. Week 1 nearly crushed me when it was said and done.
- Snatch high pull + hang snatch + snatch: (1+1+1) to RM: 95, 115, 135, 147, 166, 185x; Then 90% (150) and 95% (160)
- Snatch pull (Eccentric): 3×3 @ 90% / 205
- Back squat: 6 @ 70% / 354, 6×3 @ 75% / 380
Maybe staying up with the new puppy has had some negative impact on training. Or perhaps it is the poor nutrition. Maybe both. Regardless, I felt flat during today’s workout. By the time I got done with the snatch pulls, I had already decided I was going to skip the halting snatch grip deadlifts and just knock the squats out. Except I felt light headed, like I was running on empty. I didn’t even get to my working weight before calling it quits and going home. I did not feel good and did not want to be at 75% grinding through squats only to pass out. It isn’t worth it.
I went home and didn’t eat anything. I had 3 mini-powdered donuts and one protein bar the entire day until dinner when I finally felt like eating again. I knew it would take a massive meal to catch up on my macros so I just ate until I was full and that was it.
S: 2 | N: 3 | F: 2
- PC + PJ (2+1) to RM: 135, 157, 185, 205, 225, 245, 267x, then 90% (225), and 95% (236)
- PP 4RM: 155, 185, 217, 231, 245, then 90% (225), and 95% (236)
- Back squat jump: 3×5 @ 20% / 105
- DB curls: 4×15 @ 35#
I felt a little better this morning waking up, but still low on energy from eating so little yesterday. I just wanted to get through the day as best as I could. Part of me was upset that I couldn’t come anywhere near the numbers that I know I am capable of, but another part of me isn’t upset at all because I know all of these complexes and drop sets will be coming again next week.
S: 2 | N: 2 | F: 2
- Clean Pull + Hang Clean + Clean to RM: 157, 185, 207, 225, 247, 267, 275, 286, 295x
- Clean DL (Eccentric): 3×4 @ 80% / 275
- Parallel FS: 2×3 @ 276, 3×3 @ 295
I changed up my pre-workout today. The one that I had contained 3200mg of beta alanine per scoop. No wonder my stomach was hurting. The last time I had more than that, I had similar results in how I was feeling. It was good to get back to feeling normal again while working out. I also pulled out some programming today, specifically the drop sets on the complex at 90% and 95% of the RM. I also removed the clean pulls. Overall, I think this will help with recovery while still allowing me to focus on things that I need to focus on. I believe that the 286 on the complex was a PR, but only because I had never done it before.
Last night I left a lot of macros on the table. I just couldn’t eat any more. I was worried I would feel flat today but that wasn’t the case. Hoping my appetite gets back to normal.
S: 4 | N: 5 | F: 4
- 8RNFT of: 100′ yoke walk (455lbs), 15 GHDs, 8 upside down KB presses (35#)
S: 3 | N: 5 | F: 3
That was what was planned for the day. But none of it happened. And I really can’t pinpoint what happened or where. I felt pretty good warming up but when I got to the first working weight I felt horribly weak. Even such a light weight felt tremendously heavy off the floor, like it was stuck there. I thought that perhaps the movement itself was messing with my head so I moved on to the CJ, but even there it felt the same. I knew that there would be no way that I would hit anywhere near the numbers I needed. So I did something that I have never done before. I packed up my stuff and just went home.
Most likely, I think the culprit is the lack of sleep from the new puppy coupled with the higher volume of the program. I am going to scrap this one and go back to a training cycle with lower volume and see how that feels.
S: 4 | N: 5 | F: 2