Classic Cycle 2017, Training

Thoughts on Week 1

Random thoughts on the first week back into a WL program:

  • Conditioning is horrible.  CJ doubles at light percentages tax me.  I know this will change.  Just was surprised at how quickly that went away.
  • I really missed the grind.  Taking a break was absolutely what I needed.  Gave me a breather and made me appreciate this even more.
  • Toward the end of the strength cycle, I wasn’t sleeping well at night.  Upping the intensity has made a difference because I am now sleeping better.
  • I still want to lean out, but I am going to stop focusing so much about what the scale says, or doesn’t say.  I want to eat to fuel the performance and make sure I am not gaining.
  • Certainly was not expecting any PRs this quick into the cycle, especially considering I had really just hit a FS PR not too long ago.
  • My recovery is good.  I am able to pick the intensity up and still feel ready to go the next day.  Friday was pretty tough.  It was the only day that really stood out as being hard to get up and move the next day.

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