
Post Meet Macro Carnage

Two things I have not done in a very, very long time: 1) Turn off my alarm and sleep in until I wake up and 2) Eat whatever I want for the entire day without worrying about the macros.  Sunday I got to do both of those things.

Since the meet started at 6pm, I knew I would be a little wired coming home, but it wasn’t as difficult getting to sleep as I thought.  One good thing about being old and broken is always having the ability to go to bed at night.  Instead of being tempted to roll over and look at my phone, I just turned it off.  I ended up sleeping in until 8:00am.  That just felt so amazing that I can’t even begin to describe it.

My plan for food was to just do whatever I wanted.  Normally I am tracking macros and staying as close to those numbers as possible.  If I want a cheat meal I usually pan for it.  But I just wanted a break, so that is what I took.  Here is what some of the food looked like during the day:

Not pictured were the buffalo chicken wings and fries that I had for dinner.

I hadn’t planned on tracking the day at all in MyFitnessPal, but figured it would be interesting to see the damage.  Why not?  Here is how I finished the day:


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