Meets, Training

“So what are your goals for this meet?”

My coach asked my what my goals were for this coming meet and I really had no answer.  I felt bad in a way because normally training and meets all have a purpose and goal for me.

Up until recently, everything has been a laser focus on making Masters Nationals.  But maybe that isn’t in the cards for me yet.  I know I have a lot of work to do on the snatch, but the reality is that it would take a PR or close to a PR on both lifts to hit the 230kg total that I need to qualify.  My best total has been 221kg and we were being more conservative on the snatch then.  I hit a PR competition CJ.  But lately, every morning that I wake up I question how many more good training days I have left in me.  There are more days than not where that 230 total feels out of reach.

“I guess I really don’t have a goal for this meet.”

With that being said, the plan was to go 6 for 6.  When I was telling my wife about this conversation, she said that should be the goal for every meet.  Well, yes.  But with the last few meets I have done, I have been really pushing my top end and taking larger jumps.  That hasn’t given me the exact results that I want.  Taking a small step back and then making smaller jumps in the meet will be the plan this coming Saturday.  We have been talking about the team heading to Las Vegas in September of 2018 for the American Open Series 3.  The qualifying total is only 184kg and I already have a qualifying meet during the time period, so as soon as registration opens up I can sign up.  Not necessarily the meet I have been targeting for so long, but I think it would be fun and a lot of good experience for me.

Back to Saturday, though…

I already feel less stress because of our decision to change things up.  I was putting unnecessary pressure on myself for Nationals and losing sight that I am fortunate to even be doing what I am doing.  I want to stay loose and have fun at this meet.

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